The API connection requires a key to access. Please create the API Key and Secret on WOO X first. The error code of -1002 means the API key or secret is invalid. It may be because the key has insufficient permission or the key is expired/revoked.
Please follow the instructions and put your API key and secret to request the API services:
POST /v1/order HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
x-api-key: AbmyVJGUpN064ks5ELjLfA==
x-api-signature: 20da0852f73b20da0208c7e627975a59ff072379883d8457d03104651032033d
x-api-timestamp: 1578565539808
cache-control: no-cache
Also, here are some checkpoints WOO X suggests to check if you encounter the error code:-1002:
1. Check if you use the correct timestamp format? (it should be 13 digits number)
2. Check if you set “Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded” in your request header
3. When generating the Hmac signature, do you concat query string and body parameters with alphabet order in query string format?
After checking the above points, the problem with the error code: -1002 should be solved. However, if you still have any difficulties, please feel free to contact our Support Center by submitting the ticket to