Besides WOO X, where else can I stake WOO?
WOO can be staked on WOOFi. You can also provide liquidity on DeFi platforms (Uniswap (Ethereum) and Trader Joe (Arbitrum) have established pools).
Please, be sure to educate yourself on the risk of using DeFi platforms.
Full information about WOO tokens (CeFi and DeFi) 👉
Can I use my staked WOO as collateral for margin trading?
Staked WOO can not be used as collateral. Staked WOO is not available for other uses.
Is my staked WOO ever at risk when margin trading?
No, staked WOO can not be used as collateral, and therefore can’t be liquidated.
What is the advantage of staying in a higher tier?
Not only are there fee discounts, but users can also be rewarded with free withdrawals, higher commission tiers, and other benefits.