Registration is required as a first step to access trading and staking features on WOO X. Please follow the instructions below to register.
Go to and click [Register Now] at the top right corner of the page to start the registration process.
On the registration page, enter your email address, create a strong password for your account, and enter the referral code.
After filling in all the information, please read and agree to the Terms of Service and ensure you are not a citizen or resident in Unsupported Countries.
Please Note: The password must be a combination of numbers and letters. It should contain 9-20 characters, at least one number, and one upper case.
The system will send a verification code to your email automatically. Please enter the verification code within 10 minutes. If you can’t find the email, please check your other mail folders and search for the title '[ WOO X ] Confirm your registration'. If you still can’t find the verification email, please click [Resend Email] to resend.
After pasting the verification code, you will have successfully registered on WOO X.
Please note: All users will need to comply with the Terms of Service on their first sign-in.