We are pleased to inform you of an important update regarding WOO X. Effective December 16, 2024, the operating company of WOO X will transition to WOOTECH Limited, a company incorporated in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. This change aligns with our efforts to enhance our services and global operations.
Key Change in Terms of Service
As part of this transition, WOOTECH Limited will assume all rights and obligations under Article 28 of the current WOO X Terms of Service. This means that your existing agreement with the previous operating entity will be automatically assigned to WOOTECH Limited, ensuring continuity of your experience on WOO X.
What This Means for You
Your day-to-day interactions with WOO X, including access to the platform, trading features, and customer support, will remain unchanged. You are not required to take any immediate action.
The updated Terms of Service reflecting this change will take effect on December 16, 2024. By continuing to use our products and services after this date, you acknowledge and agree to the updated Terms of Service.
Stay Updated
To review the updated Terms of Service and Privacy Notice, please visit the WOO X platform at your earliest convenience. Your continued use of WOO X is appreciated as we strive to deliver exceptional services.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team at support@woo.network.
The WOO X Team